Webinar Catch-up
Our webinar series examines different aspects of the Seven Key Areas and builds into a practical step-by-step guide to designing a Faith Plan that will result in long-term environmental impact for people and planet.
Catch up on any webinars you may have missed or want to watch again. You can also download many of the presentations and find links to lots of other useful resources.
26 May 2022
Faith-consistent Investing:
Living Laudato Si'
Watch the replay of this Laudato Si' Week event co-hosted by FaithInvest in collaboration with AMRI, An Tairseach, the Laudato Si' Movement, Laudato Si' Action Platform and ISIG JPIC Commission.
This event engaged Catholic institutional investors, including religious orders in Ireland and across the world, in a conversation around ethical investing and moving assets in line with Laudato Si’. This event included a preview of a new online resource for faith-consistent investing, our Living Laudato Si' online resource hub.
Hosted by:
Dr Lorna Gold, CEO FaithInvest (formerly Director of Movement Building); and
Elizabeth Garlow, Francisco Collaborative
Sr Colette Kane, OP, An Tairseach
Fr Peter Bisson, SJ
Nana Francois, Director of Investment Solutions at FaithInvest
Sr Barbara, MSSH
Sr Sheila Kinsey, USIG
30 March 2022
Faith Based Tree Growing
Watch the replay of the insightful Tree Growing webinar hosted by Chantal Egan, from Faith Plans co-organisers, WWF's Beliefs and Values Programme.
This webinar shows you how to develop tree planting as part of your long term environmental action plan. It looks at trends in faith-based tree growing and the potential for it meet both religious and conservation goals; practical guidance on how to include tree planting / growing in your Faith Plan, with examples from the faith world.
Chantal Elkin, Head of WWF's Beliefs and Values Programme ​
Iyad Abumoghli, Director, UNEP Faith For Earth Programme
Supreet Kaur, President (India), EcoSikh
Rev Rachel Mash, Secretary, Anglican Communion Environmental Network, South Africa
Tom Barasa Wafula, Leader of Kenya faith tree growing project.
Laura D’Arcy, Head of Trillion Trees Programme.

28 February 2022
UNEA-5 Faith Dialogue session: What the world expects from faith-based organisations and what should we do?
Well organised and mobilised, the religious sector could become one of the most effective forces to address the climate and environmental crises. FaithInvest's Founding President, Martin Palmer, joins the heads of leading religion and ecology NGOs to discuss the uniquely valuable role of religion in relation to climate change and environmental conservation.
Rev Susan Hendershot, President, Interfaith Power & Light
Chantal Elkin, Head of WWF's Beliefs & Values Programme
Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
Fletcher Harper, Executive Director of GreenFaith
Jakir Manela, CEO of Hazon and Pearlstone
Rabbi Yonatan Neril, Founder and Director of The Interfaith Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD)
Sonam Yangchen, Programme Officer, WWF Bhutan Program
20 January 2022
How to develop a Faith Plan: Early Lessons for Long-term Success
Faith Plans 2022 Workshop 1: Discussion-based workshop for exchange and learning, with guidance from Sara Kaweesa of A Rocha Uganda which is developing a Faith Plan. Discussion includes:
Key processes involved in developing a Faith Plan
Essential elements of what a 'good' Faith Plan looks like
Support and resources to help you
Includes practical advice on what is involved in developing a Faith Plan and includes time for interactive discussion between the panel and participants.
Catherine Devitt, Programme Manager, FaithInvest
Dr Lorna Gold, CEO FaithInvest (formerly Director of Movement Building)
Sara Kaweesa, Executive Director, A Rocha Uganda
Download presentations

18 May 2021
Tips and tools for communicating your message more effectively
Good communication is critical to the success of all endeavours. Sharing your knowledge, experience and stories – through radio, television, newspapers, websites or social media – helps people understand what you are doing and why. This webinar on media and outreach heard three case studies of effective communication.
Moderator: Susie Weldon, Director of Communications, FaithInvest
Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
Daniel Perell, Representative to the United Nations for the Baha'i International Community
Dr Fachruddin Majeri Mangunjaya, Chairman of the Centre for Islamic Studies and lecturer at the Universitas Nasional (UNAS), Indonesia
Reba Elliott, Director of Special Projects, Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM)
Download presentations
Faith Plans Introduction – Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
Communications overview – Susie Weldon
The Fatwa Dissemination – Dr Fachruddin Majeri Mangunjaya
GCCM's approach to communications – Reba Elliott
Other resources/links to websites
Guidelines for Interacting with Faith-based Communities - Society for Conservation Biology (SCB)
Society for Conservation Biology working group
Link to the SCB's YouTube film on Culture, Spirituality and Conservation
Link to UN Faith for Earth Initiative website
Link to the Chi Briefing Paper, TRAFFIC Vietnam
Change Wildlife Consumers website, with resources on social and behavioural change
15 April 2021
Drawing on the faiths' wisdom to address the environmental crisis
Faith groups and many secular organisations recognise that the environmental crisis is also a spiritual issue. How, through mindfulness, compassion and care, rooted in centuries of experience, can faiths address this spiritual issue? This is part of the Faith Long-term Plans series of webinars.
Moderator: Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
Darin Lamar Jones, Director of Operations, Center for Earth Ethics, US
Dekila Chungyalpa, Director, Loka Initiative, University of Wisconsin-Madison, US
Rev Dr Joshtrom Isaac Kureethadam, Coordinator of Ecology and Creation, Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, Vatican, Italy
Linda Wong, Deputy Secretary General, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation, China
Download presentations
Faith Long-term Plans Introduction – Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
Wisdom for Earth Care – Fr Joshtrom
Traditional and Faith-based Conservation – Linda Wong, CBCGDF
9 March 2021
Developing your Faith Long-term Plan – Financial Assets & Investments
Together faith groups comprise a significant investment bloc on the global stock markets. How do they manage their financial assets and investments in line with their values? We hear of three different approaches taken by three faith groups – from divestment, to engaging their communities and to helping people improve their own economic wellbeing. This is part of the Faith Long-term Plans series of webinars.
Moderator: Nana Francois, FaithInvest Director of Membership
​Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
Suzanne Ismail, Head of Networking and Engagement for Quaker Peace & Social Witness, UK
Nigel Savage, President and CEO of Hazon (who shared a pre-recorded video), US
Dr Vinya Ariyatne, President of Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement, Sri Lanka
Download presentations
Faith Plans: Introduction - Financial Assets – Martin Palmer/Nana Francois
Sarvadaya Approach to Economic Empowerment – Dr Vinya Ariyatne
4 February 2021
Developing your Faith Long-term Plan – Partnerships
How can faith groups increase their impact on the environment by working in partnership with others? We bring together experts to discuss their own experience of working in partnerships across social, economic, cultural and geographical settings. This webinar is part of the Faith Long-term Plan series.
Moderator: Lorna Gold, CEO FaithInvest (formerly Director of Movement Building)
Chantal Elkin, Director, WWF's Beliefs and Values Programme
Sarah Ferguson, Country Director, TRAFFIC Viet Nam
Allan Ottaro, Executive Director, Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainbility in Africa
Download presentations
Faiths & Conservation Partnerships - Chantal Elkin, Director, WWF's Beliefs and Values Programme
Partnerships in Wildlife Conservation – Sarah Ferguson, TRAFFIC Viet Nam
Working with Partners – Allan Ottaro, CYNESA
Other resources/links to websites
Guidelines for Interacting with Faith-based Communities - Society for Conservation Biology (SCB)
Society for Conservation Biology working group on religion and conservation biology
Link to the SCB's YouTube film on Culture, Spirituality and Conservation
Link to UN Faith for Earth Initiative website
Link to the Chi Briefing Paper, TRAFFIC Vietnam
Change Wildlife Consumers website, with resources on social and behavioural change
13 January 2021
Managing assets – Land & forests, water & wildlife & habitats
Globally faiths own around 8% of all habitable land on earth, and more than 5% of commercial forests. How can faith groups manage their land sustainably, focusing on on biodiversity. This webinar is part of the Faith Plan series.
Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
Chantal Elkin, Director of WWF's Beliefs and Values Programme
Ravneet Singh, EcoSikh, India
Ani Tsering Youden, Buddhist Tekchokling Nunnery, Nepal
Download presentations
Focusing on nature - Chantal Elkin, WWF. To illustrate how some religious groups are protecting nature, Chantal outlined the 2009 Mongolian Buddhist Eight Year Plan, focussing on wildlife, forests, water and pollution, and the 2009 Cameroon Presbyterian Seven Year Plan that centres around the protection of forests, water, wetlands and wildlife.
Link to watch the Culture, Spirituality and Conservation film on YouTube
Link to watch EcoSikh's video on its Sacred Forests project
Khoryga Project – Ani Tsering Youden
Link to the Decade of Ecosystem Restoration website mentioned in the webinar
Link to the Miyawaki method of growing micro forests, mentioned in the webinar
Link to Celebration Earth films mentioned in the webinar
Case study on Hindu-Environment partnerships on greening pilgrimage in Indian protected areas
Resources on Islamic approaches to the protection of threatened species and habitats in Indonesia, in cooperation with WWF
Buddhist Animal Merit Release – a paper

01 December 2020
From Engagement to Investment: joint FaithInvest/ICCR webinar
We explored the impact of shareholder advocacy integrating values into corporate actions, and how to take that further by implementing faith-consistent investing policies, with the chief executives of the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility (ICCR) and FaithInvest and FaithInvest Director of Movement Building Lorna Gold. And we have a video interview with Tim Macready on working with faiths on values-driven investing.
Moderator: Nana Francois, FaithInvest Director of Membership
Josh Zinner, ICCR CEO
Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
Dr Lorna Gold, FaithInvest
Video interview of Tim Macready, Brightlight Chief Investment Officer

20 October 2020
Creating your Faith Long-term Plan
The first in a series of webinars on FaithInvest's Faith Long-term Plan programme. Introducing the programme, its seven key areas, timescale, dissemination process and additional resources.
Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
Nana Francois, FaithInvest Director of Membership
Alison Prout, Director, International Network for Conservation and Religion
05 May 2022
Faith and food
Watch the replay of the insightful Faith and Food webinar, held in partnership with our friends at EAT. ​
This webinar breaks down the topic of Faith and Food to look at the actions we can take as individuals and as faith organisations, with specific examples of projects to refer to on your Faith Plans journey.
Susie Weldon, Head of Communications, FaithInvest
Olav Kjørven, Senior Director of Strategy, EAT
Becky O’Brien, Director of Food and Climate, Hazon
Sara Kaweesa, Director, A Rocha Uganda
Olav Kjørven - download here
Becky O’Brien - download here
Sara Kaweesa - download here
Common themes - download here​
01 March 2022
UNEA-5 Faith Dialogue session: Local challenges, local solutions: Faith groups for climate action
Given the size of their influence, and the significance of their wisdom and experience, faiths are key stakeholders in helping to ensure a livable planet for all. The Faith Plans team joins the United Religions Initiative, in collaboration with the UNEP Faith for Earth Initiative, in this dialogue session at the Fifth Session of the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA-5).
Catherine Devitt, Programme Manager, FaithInvest
Iyad Abumoghli, Director, Faith for Earth at UNEP
Daniel Eror, URI Global Trustee
Dr Lorna Gold, FaithInvest CEO (formerly Director of Movement Building),
Allen Ottaro, Executive Director, Catholicy Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa
Lauren Van Ham, URI Climate Coordinator
22 February 2022
Mobilising your Assets for People and Planet
Faith Plans 2022 Workshop 2: Practical advice on what is meant by faith-consistent investing; how you assess what kind of assets you have, and how you develop faith-consistent investing policies. We hear about the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania's decision to set up its own bank and what difference that has made to its members, and how the divestment movement is prompting faith groups to re-evaluate how their assets are being used.
Catherine Devitt, Programme Manager, FaithInvest
Nana Francois, Director of Investment Solutions, FaithInvest
Bishop Dr Fredrick Shoo, Presiding Bishop, Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania
James Buchanan, Bright Now Campaign Director, Operation Noah
Download presentations
Faith Plans programme overview – Catherine Devitt, Faith Plans Programme Manager
From Faith Values to Investment: An introduction to faith-consistent investing – Nana Francois
Watch the 10-minute video interview shown in the workshop with Bishop Dr Fredrick Shoo on the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Tanzania's decision to set up a bank
16 December 2021
Faiths Rising: Climate action beyond COP26
The Faith Plans team and friends get together for an inspiring evening of reflection on what next for climate action post-COP26. We hear how the faiths are major stakeholders in the planet, and how faiths around the world are creating Faith Plans designed to realign their assets as part of the Faith Plans programme. Speakers include:
Gopal Patel – Director of Bhumi Global
Dr Lorna Gold – CEO FaithInvest (formerly Director of Movement Building)
Rev Susan Hendershot – President of Interfaith Power and Light
Allen Ottaro – Executive Director, Catholic Youth Network for Environmental Sustainability in Africa
27 April 2021
Exploring the skills and approaches needed for successful advocacy
If you’ve ever tried to promote an issue you care about, you’ve engaged in advocacy. Advocacy is about influencing attitudes, opinons and actions to bring about change – whether within your own faith group or in the wider community. What are effective ways of doing this? Part of the Faith Long-term Plans series of webinars.
Moderator: Lorna Gold, CEO FaithInvest (formerly Director of Movement Building)
Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
Charles McNeill, Director of the Interfaith Rainforest Initiative
Gopal Patel, Director of Bhumi Global and vice chair of the UN's Multifaith Advisory Council
Karine Baghdasaryan, Armenia Inter-Church Charitable Round Table Foundation
Download presentations
Faith Long-term Plans Introduction – Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
List of links to IRI's educational materials and videos – Charles MacNeill
Faith-based Advocacy at the UN – Gopal Patel
Changing Mindset: Advocacy at the Community Level – Karine Baghdasaryan

23 March 2021
Rooting your Investment Guidelines in Faith Principles
What are the practical steps and considerations involved in creating investment guidelines that align with your faith values and beliefs? Led by the FaithInvest team, with Dave Zellner, CIO of Wespath, which is the largest reporting faith-based pension fund in the USA, the webinar provides in depth training on aligning investment guidelines with faith values. This is part of the Faith Long-term Plans series of webinars.
Moderator: Nana Francois, FaithInvest Director of Membership
Dave Zellner, CIO, Wespath
Mathew Jensen, Membership Engagement, FaithInvest
Martin Palmer, FaithInvest CEO
Download presentations
FaithInvest Guide to Policies and Guidelines – Mathew Jensen, FaithInvest
Links to websites mentioned in the webinar
The Book of Discipline from the United Methodist Church (mentioned in the webinar)
23 February 2021
Developing your Faith Long-term Plan – Celebration
The world, despite all its problems, is still a beautiful place. How can faith groups celebrate this, either through existing festivals or new platforms? Our two speakers discuss celebration from an Orthodox Christian perspective and how a new annual day to celebrate the environment has taken off in Uganda over the past decade. This is part of the Faith Long-term Plans series of webinars.
Moderator: Martin Palmer, FaithInvest
Spirydoula Fotinis, Coordinator of Programs, Inter-Orthodox Ecumenical and Interfaith Relations, Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America
Hajjat Sebyala Aphwa, Director, Energising Solutions and initiator of Greening Fridays, Uganda
Download presentations
Celebration from an Orthodox Christian perspective – Spirydoula Fotinis
Greening Fridays – Hajjat Sebyala Aphwa
Other resources/links to websites
Greening Fridays video on YouTube
23 February 2021
Developing your Faith Long-term Plan – Lifestyles
Many faith teachings and traditions encourage us to live in harmony with the environment. Key thinkers discuss self-assessment, pilgrimage, tourism, family life, purchasing power and the art of simple living. This webinar is part of the Faith Long-term Plan series.
Husna Ahmad, CEO, Global One
Ruth Valerio, Tearfund
Stanley Baya, A Rocha Kenya
Download presentations
Greening the Hajj – Dr Husna Ahmad, Global One
Owl for a Penny presentation and notes – Stanley Baya, A Rocha Kenya
Other resources/links to websites
ECCR's programme for people and churches connecting faith and finance: Money Makes Change
How big is your environmental footprint? WWF carbon footprint calculator
Climate Stewards – also an environmental footprint calculator and carbon offset tool
UN Environment's website has lots of useful resources
Hazon Seal of Sustainability: a 12-month programme for Jewish communities
Book: L is for Lifestyle, by Ruth Valerio
Book: How to save your planet one object at a time by Tara Shine
EcoSikh: website mobilising the Sikh Community on climate change
Tips for making a Green Hajj
03 December 2021
Education and young people
Faith groups run a LOT of schools worldwide, including at least 50% of schools in the Global South. They also run all kinds of youth groups and other outreach activities. How can young people best be engaged on environmental issues, whether in formal education such as schools, or informal settings such as youth groups? This webinar is part of the Faith Plan series.
Moderator: Alison Prout, Director, International Network for Conservation and Religion
Mary Bellekom, Faith in Water, UK
Barasa Wafula, Consultant in education and sustainable development, Kenya
Anastasia Retno Pujiastuti, Pepulih, Indonesia
Kamran Shezad, Eco Islam, UK
Menstrual health and hygiene: short film by Faith in Water, UK​​
Download presentations
Education is multi-layered – Mary Bellekom
Promoting values-based education – Barasa Wafula
Pepulih: working on WASH – Anastasia Retno Pujiastuti
13 November 2020
Managing faith assets: Buildings, healthcare, purchasing, consumption
Faiths own a LOT of buildings, not just places of worship but also schools, colleges, medical clinics, hospitals, pilgrim centres, community halls and more. How can these be managed in the most environmentally friendly way?
Moderator: Alison Prout, INCR
Rev Susan Hendershot, Interfaith Power & Light
Rev Dr Alfred Bailey, New Psalmist Baptist Church
Peter Nitschke, Plastic Bank
Download presentations
Interfaith Power & Light - Rev Susan Hendershot
Friends House - Alison Prout
New Psalmist Baptist Church - Rev Al Bailey
Plastic Bank - Peter Nitschke

28 October 2020
Faith & Green Entrepreneurship
How different faith traditions can help rethink business in the light of the climate and biodiversity crises, and the UNDP's new Massive Open Online Course on Green Entrepreneurship. Speakers:
Jayshree Balachander, Green Pilgrimage India
Jamison Ervin, UNDP
Dr Lorna Gold, FaithInvest
John Mundell, Mundell Associates
Alison Prout, INCR
Dr Jinfeng Zhou, China Biodiversity Conservation and Green Development Foundation​
Download presentations
Chinese Traditions and Green Entrepreneurship – Linda Wong and Dr Jinfeng Zhou
Hinduism and Green Entrepreneurship – Jayshree Balachander
Laudato Si' and Green Entrepreneurship – Lorna Gold
Making Green Entrepreneurship work – John Mundell
UNDP's Green Entrepreneurship MOOC – Jamison Ervin